UTM® Product Catalog
PERSONAL PROTECT IVE EQUI PMENT US: sales @ UTMusa.com Int’l: sales@UTMworldwide.com * FACE MASK FOR HIGH CUT COMBAT HELMET S Designed for elite military and law enforcement professionals S For use with high-cut style communication helmets S Right and left microphone outlets S Won’t interfere with night vision optic shrouds S Hook-n-loop top to assure no exposed skin between integrated goggles and helmet S Ventilation ports to aid in anti-fogging S Passes the high velocity impact tests of ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2015 S Sewn in goggles to avoid gaps S Thick Neoprene for maximum protection (Microphone and helmet shown for illustration; not included) FACE MASKS FACE MASK 69-0304N 69-0304 S For use with ballistic/UTM Training Helmet S Ventilation ports to aid in anti-fogging S Thick Neoprene for maximum protection S Optional Berry Compliant CHIN STRAP EXTENDER 69-0591 FACE MASK W/ INTEGRATED GOGGLES 69-0590N 69-0590 Berry Compliant and CCMCK US Military Approved Passes the high velocity impact tests of ANSI/ISEA Z87.1-2015 HEAD PROTECTOR 69-0600N 69-0600 (Face Mask w/ Integrated Goggles & Training Helmet) Berry Compliant e r FACE MASK FOR HIGH CUT COMBAT HELMET 69-0595N 69-0595 Berry Compliant PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) V i d e o l i n k - F a c e M a s k s
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