Part 1 – Mindset

Proper mindset is a critical tool in preventing or mitigating an active threat. This mindset must be developed and reinforced prior to any critical incident. For example, moving toward the sound of gunfire is contrary to the survival instincts of most people but may be appropriate and necessary for an armed responder.

The potential responder must consider the stress and fear, as well as social, ethical, or faith based issues that they may arise when confronted with the reality of moving towards danger and the possibility of using lethal force on another human being or risking their own life or safety in the process. Training must be designed so as to provide stress inoculation, not stress overload and to evaluate reasonable judgment/discretion skills in action.

  • Predator vs. Prey mentality
  • Bypassing casualties during response
Fear management/physiological response (pre/during/post)
  • Social/faith/ethical values (taking a life)
Performing under stress (forewarned is forearmed) (emotions cloud judgment)
  • Situational awareness (always “switched on”)
  • Complacency pitfalls

Next Week, Part 2 of 10 will discuss Pre-Incident Indicators.

Author: Rob Lambraia, UTM Director of Training