AR-15® Conversions
We understand how vital it is for units, agencies, organizations and individuals to have a completely safe product and environment to train in. We strive to make our products the safest on the market and we have, yet everyday we look for new ways and technology to continue making our products even safer. To ensure you have the latest in our safety information and innovations, please subscribe to our news alerts and updates at the bottom of the page below.
Rifles & Machine guns – 5.56mm and 7.62 caliber – Fail-Safe
UTM 5.56mm Man-Marker and Target Bullet Round Conversions are uniquely designed to prevent the discharge of traditional 5.56mm/.223 “live” ammunition (5.56 NATO, 5.56 x 45mm, and .223 Remington). Fail-Safe is achieved by utilizing an offset firing pin design, which will only work with the rim fire primer used in the UTM Cartridge, but not with a “live” center fire cartridge. In the event a 5.56mm “live” cartridge is chambered and the trigger is pulled, the Conversions offset firing pin will strike outside the primer pocket of the 5.56mm “live” round. This makes it impossible to detonate the “live” cartridge in the UTM converted weapon.

An example of a “Live” cartridge discharge attempt in a UTM converted weapon.

Standard ‘Live’ M16/M4 Assault Rifle Bolt Carrier Assembly
Shown is a standard M16/M4 bolt carrier assembly. Notice the relationship between the firing pin and the red circle indicating the size and location of the “Live” primer.

UTM M16/M4 Assault Rifle Bolt Carrier Assembly
This applies to all UTM rifle conversions.

UTM TBR M16/M4 Assault Rifle Bolt Carrier Assembly
As an additional safety feature, TBR ammunition has a recessed primer to prevent firing pin contact from a “Live” or MMR bolt carrier assembly.
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