UTM Training

International Training Courses
UTM Course Descriptions
UTM Level 1 INstructor Certification
The objective of this course is to provide the student with a working knowledge of the Ultimate Training Munitions system of products and training. After completion of this block of instruction the participant will have obtained the knowledge and skills to safely and effectively utilize the full line of UTM Ammunition and Firearms Conversions.
Additionally we will provide an overview of the UTM Force on Force Training Model which can be used to design force on force or force on target training in a variety of environments.
A certification exam will be required as well as a brief practical “hands on” portion as a demonstartion of proficiency and understanding of the skills and concepts provided during the block of instruction.
Product and Training topics covered will include :
* UTM Safety and Technology of firearms conversions and ammunition
* Assembly, Mainetence trouble-shooting of all UTM products
* Designing safey and effective training using UTM ( UTM training model) across disciplines ( Firearms, Tactics, DT)
* Personal Protectve Equipment (PPE)
* UTM Portable Training Facility use
* Application of UTM for more than Force on Force ( MTFOF)
* Test-fire and Q&A
Course Costs: Contact for pricing
Certifications: End user manufacturer approved Certification
Course Length: 1 day
Attendance Requirements: Law Enforcement, Military or PTO
Attendee Requirements:
T-shirts, long pants and long shirts
Note-taking material
Facility Requirements: Classroom and or Range ( TBD by instructor and agency POC)
Agency Requirements:
Note: UTM Reality Based Training will assist agencies with facility/equipment requirements on request.
UTM Level 2 Instructor CertIfication
Force-on-Force NLTA – Instructor
The objective of this course is to provide the participants with the abilities needed to effectively design, instruct and implement a reality based training (RBT) program using Non- Lethal Training Ammunition (NLTA). This type of training is synonymous with and also commonly known as,”Force-on-Force” Training (FOF) . The primary focus of this course will be the introduction, and application of the UTM Reality Based Training model for development of training with any type of NLTA . We will also introduce several of the current technologies available for force on force training. The principles and concepts taught in this block of instruction have direct application for Law Enforcement, Military or private training organization personnel.
Our goals for the training are accomplished through a teaching methodology which takes the
operator through a series of skill builders, drills and mini-scenarios in a realistic environment. It is a systematic, phase based approach to develop training utilizing a series of drill progressions involving stress inoculation, which we believe is critical to skills practice of any kind or discipline. In addition it provides the operator an environment to manage his/her own physiological response to stress while applying good tactics and decision making. Realism is further added by allowing the operator to use his/her own duty weapons system and gear during training instead of simply a blue-gun or unfamiliar dedicated conversion weapon. Our goal is to promote training success not training scars..
This course, along with our training model also provides a platform for an agency/unit to test the strengths and limitations of their individual protocols, in variety of areas including tactics, arrest techniques, combatives/DT, CQB and many others. Regardless of your techniques, tactics or approach or to training in these areas, the goal of the course is to provide a means of seeing what works, what doesn’t and to serve as a springboard to enhance operator survivability through realistic training.
Specifically, in conjunction with instruction the participants will each take part in a variety of skill builders, drills and mini- scenarios (fragmentation drills) that will serve as a template or foundation for future application with his/her individual agency/unit. They will also serve as a team member tasked with the development and instruction of a group training session utilizing NLTA and the concepts and methods learned in the course.
Topics discussed in this course will include but are not limited to: Available technologies for force on force training, training model phases, safety guidelines for NLTA training, Use of Force and application in case law, role player development, testing protocols, utilization of limited resources including budget/facilities and scenario development.
Course Costs: Call for pricing or let us customize a program for your agency or unit (International scheduling may incur additional costs).
Certifications: Instructor Certifications entitles you to train and certify training for others in this course. Certification is valid for two years.
Course Length: 3 Days
Attendance Requirements: Law Enforcement, Military or Security (up to 24 persons maximum)
Attendee Requirements:
All duty carry related equipment
T-shirts, long pants and long shirts
Note-taking material
Facility Requirements: Classroom and Outdoor Area for NLTA training.
Agency Requirements:
NLTA safety equipment
NLTA Weapons
Note: UTM Reality Based Training will assist agencies with facility/equipment requirements on request.
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