Shooting Enthusiasts
As Real As It Gets
UTM Target Shooting products provide the Shooting Enthusiast with the most realistic alternative to live fire available. A technology that was previously only available to Military and Law Enforcement can now be experienced by responsibly armed citizens who want to practice with their own firearm without the need for a trip to the live fire range! UTM Target Shooting Ammunition and Firearm Conversions are great for all skill levels, beginner through advanced. So, whether you shoot just for fun or train for concealed carry and personal protection, UTM will make your shooting experience “as real as it gets”.
Attention: Important Update on UTM Products
Dear Valued UTM Customer:
Ultimate Training Munitions (UTM) has been the leading provider of Non-Lethal Training Ammunition (NLTA) and Gun Conversions to US Military and Law Enforcement (LE) for almost 2 decades. Additionally, we have been honored to have served and supported the private security, professional training and shooting enthusiast community for almost as long. We are dedicated to the mission of training, as well as sporting use of UTM products and services for all citizens of this great country.
Many of our products, including ammunition and conversions are made in our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in the United Kingdom (UK) and imported to the US for delivery to our broad customer base. Recently, we have been notified that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) has limited the import and delivery of our Non-Lethal Training Ammunition (NLTA) to Military and Law Enforcement customers ONLY. Unfortunately, the consequence of this is that we are currently ONLY able to import our training products for these customers and not any other customers or markets.
While we are dedicated and honored to serving our Military and Law Enforcement brothers and sisters who will experience no change in availability or lead time of UTM products, our hope is that this restriction will be lifted at some point and we can resume supporting the entire shooting community with our products and services. We do want to reiterate that this is NOT a UTM company decision but rather a very recent decision that has been imposed by the BATF and is beyond our control.
In summary, orders and deliveries for Military and Law Enforcement customers are NOT affected by this change but any Non-Military or Non-Law Enforcement customers will not be able to purchase UTM products direct or from distributors, effective immediately.
UTM would like to thank all of you who have used our products for your support over the years as well as during this time. We look forward to the opportunity of making UTM available to you again in the future as any changes to restrictions allow. Until then, we will continue to service what customers we can and are determined to continue to grow in product development, production and design as we forge into 2024 and beyond.
If you have questions please feel free to contact our Inside Sales/Customer Service Team at SALES@UTMUSA.COM
Thank you,
Ultimate Training Munitions (UTM)

WHY INVEST IN UTM training products?
utm conversions install in seconds with NO GUNSMITHING
the most accurate training ammunition on the market
Training Videos
As Real As It Gets
As Real As They Get
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