UTM International
As Real As It Gets
As a global provider of the most accurate and reliable force-on-force products in existence, Ultimate Training Munitions (UTM) is the brand most trusted, by not only the US Armed forces, but militaries worldwide. We specialize in manufacturing weapon conversions for various international gun manufacturers and offer a broad line of training ammunition. Ammunition and weapon conversions are available for multiple calibers and weapon platforms including: 5.56/.223, 9mm, 4.6x30mm, 5.7x28mm, 5.56, 7.62×39, and 7.62×51.
- Reliability and Accuracy unmatched by any other Non-Lethal training ammunition
- Full line of marking rounds and blanks for pistol, rifle, sub-guns and machine guns
- Multiple calibers with application for Firearms Training, CQB, Scenario Training, Defensive Tactics and Personal Protection

- Convert your firearm in seconds
- All firearm conversions have live round lock-out as a safety feature
- Available for widest selection of firearms
- Tested and proven to be safe and reliable

- The “Ultimate” in force-on-force personal protective gear
- Lightweight, breathable and durable
- Unmatched protection while allowing full mobility
- Full face shield, non-fogging helmet

- Portable and versatile shoot-house for force-on-force training
- Easy to set up and reconfigure during training
- Great for CQB and Mission Rehearsal
- Set up a UTM shooting range virtually anywhere!

- End user and instructor certifications available
- Training staff with decades of combined Military, LE and Training Experience
- Learn how to incorporate UTM into your existing programs and create new training

- Product Videos - learn more about UTM products
- Training Videos - get training tips and ideas from the UTM experts
- Instructional Videos - check out specific conversions and support on care, installation and more
why invest in utm training products?
Contact UTM International
Hampstead Avenue Mildenhall, Suffolk, IP28 7AS +44 1638 711003 (877) 886-7233
International training
Course Overview International
The capability to operate within both rural and urban environments forms an essential part of any effective Law Enforcement (LE) and Military capability. LE and military operators should be proficient in a range of weaponry, including both personal arms and support weapons. The use of these weapons should be incorporated into unit tactics training from section attacks through to company assaults. The focus of any land LE and military operator’s training should also emphasize the importance of skills such as surveillance, intelligence gathering, field‐craft and survival skills in order to maximize operational efficiency and spend extended amounts of time in a range of different environments and often under arduous conditions.
Firearms / Shooting Courses
- Shooting Course Basic
- Shooting Course Pistol
- Shooting Course Submachine Gun (MP5)
- Shooting Course Carbine / Tactical Rifle
- Shooting Course Shotgun
- Tactical Shooting Courses/Weapons in Combination
- SWAT Sniper Course Basic
- Sniper Advanced / Sniper MOUT & Special Terrain
- Counter Sniper
Self Defensive Courses
- Ground fighting Basic
- Dedicated Impact Weapons
- Weapon Safety Techniques
Tactical Operation Courses
- SWAT/Special Operations Course Basic
- SWAT Course Advanced
- Special Operations
- SWAT Hostage Rescue Tactics
- SWAT Special Counter-AMOK Tactics
- SWAT Mass-Hostage-Rescue-Tactics
- SWAT Car-Assault-Tactics
- SWAT Bus Hostage Rescue Tactics
- SWAT Train-Hostage-Rescue-Tactics
- SWAT Aircraft Assaults
- Methods of Entry
Protective Security Detail (PSD) / Close Protection
- CPU Basic Course
- CPU Firearms Course
- CPU Advanced / High Threat Protection
- CPU Counter Assault Team Course (CAT)
- CPU Witness Protection Course & Intelligence Officers Protection Course
- CPU Tactical Convoy Operations Course
- CPU Facilities Protection Course
Improvised explosive devices (IEDs) have become one of the greatest threats to both armed forces and civilian personnel serving in today’s operational theatres. As a result IED avoidance, identification and response training should form an essential aspect of preparation for all armed forces, especially for those likely to be serving operationally in hostile conflict zones. Establishing clearly defined tactics, techniques and procedures for responding to the IED threat is essential to minimise the impact of IEDs.
Our Counter‐IED (C‐IED) training programmes cover all aspects of planning and conducting C‐IED operations and methods of responding to the IED threat, including:
- IED First Responder Police/Public Security
- IEDD Foundation
- IEDD Buildings and Streets
- IEDD Cars
- IEDD Large Charges
- IEDD Suicide Bomber
- IEDD Airplanes
- IEDD Ships
- IEDD Hostage Rescue / SWAT Integration
- Ammunition technician course
- Manual Neutralisation Techniques
- Assault IEDD
Basic Range Construction & Range Safety Management One Day Course
An advanced programme of instruction for selected law enforcement & military advanced firearms instructors, relating to the subjects of range construction & range management.
Detailed subjects include:
- Standard & specialist CQB/CQC ranges.
- Range management.
- Range safety procedures.
- Range conducting & safety officer duties & procedures.
- Selection of range targets & range maintenance.
- Use & maintenance of Military/Law-Enforcement UTM target systems.
BAsic Low Light Tactical One or Two Day Course
An advanced program of instruction for the professional law enforcement & military unit firearms instructor, based on the safe usage of Less Lethal Man Marker Ammunition Natures.
Includes: Conversion kit fitting & return to duty status, fault finding & remedial actions.
Tactical use for low light & night situations using laser target designators, weapon lights (white & IR systems) & IWS items etc.
Detailed subjects include: –
- The concept & techniques of low light & night firing.
- Illumination aids & devices.
- Environmental factors, shadows, smoke & flares.
- Light transition factors.
- White light & red dot shooting techniques,
- Tactical & alternative fire positions.
- Use of visible & IR laser aiming devices.
- Low light & covert firing techniques.
- Use of image intensified individual weapon sights.
- Use of distraction devices.
This one-day program of instruction may be included as an extra optional day with any of UTM man marker ammunition tactical programs.
Tactical Pistol Two Day Course
An advanced program of instruction for the professional law enforcement & military unit firearms instructor, based on the safe usage of man marker ammunition natures for use with the semi-automatic pistol.
Includes: Conversion kit fitting & return to duty status, fault finding & remedial actions, tactical use for day & night situations
Detailed subjects include:
- Safety & handling drills & procedures.
- Tactical reload, stoppage & malfunction drills.
- Tactical firing positions including firing on the move & cover man techniques.
- Overt & covert carrying options.
- Drawing & firing techniques.
- Covering the suspect & hard arrest procedures.
- Weapon retention & operator survival drills.
- Multiple target situations.
- Low light firing techniques.
- Vehicle drills.
- Room combat drills & procedures.
Tactical Sub – Machine Gun Two Day Course
An advanced program of instruction for the professional law enforcement & military unit firearms instructor, based on the safe usage of man marker ammunition natures for use with the Sub-machine gun.
Includes: Conversion kit fitting & return to duty status, fault finding & remedial actions, tactical use for day & night situations
Detailed subjects include:
- Close quarter battle drills.
- Tactical & alternative fire positions.
- Covering the suspect & hard arrest procedures.
- Drug & armour shoots.
- Multiple target situations.
- Low light & covert firing techniques.
- Firing on the move & cover man techniques.
- Use of distraction devices.
- Room & multiple room combat.
- Team stronghold assault techniques.
Tactical Rifle Instructor Two Day Course
An advanced program of instruction for the professional law enforcement & military unit firearms instructor, based on the safe usage of Live Fire (duty) & a range of Less Lethal Man Marker ammunition natures for use with either law enforce or military rifles.
Includes: Conversion kit fitting & return to duty status, fault finding & remedial actions, tactical use for day & night situations
Detailed subjects include:
- Weapon & ammunition selection.
- Ballistic effects & through medium shooting.
- Tactical rifle concepts.
- Close quarter battle drills.
- Tactical & alternative fire positions.
- Covering the suspect & hard arrest procedures.
- Drug & armour shoots.
- Multiple target situations.
- Low light & covert firing techniques.
- Firing on the move & cover man techniques.
- Use of cover including fire & manoeuvre.
- Room & multiple room combat.
- Team stronghold assault & vehicle techniques.
UTM Instructor Certification Three Day Course
The program of instruction includes all aspects of UTM based skill- and force on force situational interactive scenario development training.
The programme aim is to inform & develop the concept of safe weapon-training and situational interactive scenario development training for the professional law enforcement & military unit firearms instructor, with a particular emphasis on the safety aspects of UTM based scenario training also the . A certificate of qualification is awarded on completion of the program.
Subjects include:
Day 1:
- Introduction of Ammunition and Conversions
- Safety
- Training Concept
- Training Management
- Instructor Methodology
- (Skills, Force-on-Target, Force-on-Roleplayer & Force-on-Force)
- Documentation
- Maintenance
- Equipment Demonstrations, Practical Range Periods
- Assessment
Day 2:
- UTM Training Model
- Skill Development Force on Target Force on Roleplayer Force on Force
- Drill Development
- Scenario Development
- Practical Range Periods
Day 3:
- Drills for Skill Development presented through Attendees (Teach-back)
- Scenario Development presented through Attendees (Teach-back)
- Practical Range Periods presented through Attendees (Teach-back)
- Assessment
Ammunition CQB/CQC Instructors Four Day Course
An advanced program of instruction for the professional law enforcement & military unit instructor based on the safe use of man marker ammunition natures for CQB/CQC tactics & Forces on Force training techniques.
The program also contains details relating to the construction & safe use principles of a low cost CQB/CQC range location for:
- Armed & unarmed combat techniques.
- Weapon retention & operator survival drills.
- Close quarter battle drills & close quarter containment.
- Tactical & alternative fire positions.
- Covering the suspect & hard arrest procedures.
- Drug & armour shoots.
- Multiple target situations.
- Low light & covert firing techniques.
- Firing on the move & cover man techniques.
- Use of distraction devices.
- Room & multiple room combat & room & multiple room containment.
- Team stronghold assault techniques.
- CQB/CQC Range Management & User Safety Guidelines.
Custom Course
With the exception of the UTM Instructor Certification & UTM Based Range Construction & Range Safety Management programme, all of the above stated advance instructor programmes are designed as a modular user choice system. The user may select from the training menu.
The specialised programmes may include or are a combination of any of the above subjects. Programmes may be arranged or adjusted to cater for either police or military users.
If the predesigned courses are not what you are looking for, UTM can customize a training course to suit the specific needs of you agency, unit or company. Our training staff has years of experience designing curriculums and programs for Federal, State and Local Law Enforcement as well as Military and Responsibly armed Citizens.
Whether you require a modified version of an exisitng course or an entirely custom version , we can accomodate your needs. UTM training and products can take any program to the next level. Whether it is UTM certifications, Force-on -Force, CQB , Defensive Tactics or a combination of these topics we can provide instruction for both instructors and end-users.
Please fill out the ” Request form” on this page with a brief description of how UTM can help provide the training you need and a member of our team will contact you with details and pricing.
Request a Quote or Demo
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